May 13, 2024
POK full form

What is The POK Full Form? What Does POK Stand For?

POK is an acronym that stands for “Pakistan Occupied Kashmir.” In this article, we will delve into the full form of POK and explore its origins, significance, international relations, and the ongoing Kashmir conflict. We will also examine the perspectives of India and Pakistan regarding POK and shed light on the role of the United Nations in this matter. Additionally, we will touch upon human rights concerns and discuss recent developments related to POK.

POK Full Form

Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir, commonly referred to as POK is a region in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent. It comprises the territories of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) and Gilgit-Baltistan. POK came under the control of Pakistan following the Indo-Pakistani War of 1947-1948.

POK full form

The Origins of POK

The origins of POK can be traced back to the partition of India in 1947. During this time, the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir had the option to join either India or Pakistan. However, the ruler of the state, Maharaja Hari Singh, initially chose to remain independent. This decision led to unrest, and tribal militias supported by Pakistan invaded the region. In response, the Maharaja requested assistance from India, leading to the deployment of Indian troops to the area. The conflict resulted in the division of the state, with Pakistan gaining control over POK.

The Significance of POK

POK holds significant geopolitical and strategic importance for both India and Pakistan. For India, it represents the unfinished agenda of the partition and the desire to regain control over the entire state of Jammu and Kashmir. Pakistan, on the other hand, considers POK as an integral part of its territory and views it as a symbol of the Kashmiri people’s right to self-determination.

POK in International Relations

The status of POK remains a contentious issue in international relations. India asserts that POK is an integral part of its sovereign territory and criticizes Pakistan for its occupation. On the other hand, Pakistan argues that POK’s status should be determined through a plebiscite, as promised by the United Nations Security Council resolutions.

POK full form

POK and the Kashmir Conflict

POK plays a central role in the long-standing Kashmir conflict between India and Pakistan. The disputed region has been a source of tension and conflict between the two countries for decades. Both India and Pakistan claim sovereignty over the entire state of Jammu and Kashmir, including POK.

POK and India’s Stance

India maintains that POK is an integral part of its territory and considers the region under illegal occupation by Pakistan. It views any attempts to alter the status quo in the POK as a violation of its sovereignty and has consistently called for the complete integration of the POK into the Indian Union.

POK and Pakistan’s Perspective

Pakistan considers POK as an autonomous territory and advocates for the right to self-determination for the people of Jammu and Kashmir. It argues that India’s control over parts of Kashmir, including POK, is a violation of international law and denies the Kashmiri people their right to decide their own political future.


POK and the United Nations

The United Nations has been involved in the Kashmir issue since 1948 when it passed resolutions calling for a plebiscite to determine the future of the region. However, the implementation of these resolutions has been a subject of contention between India and Pakistan. The United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) has been monitoring the ceasefire line between the two sides.

POK full form

POK and Human Rights Concerns

Human rights concerns have been raised regarding the situation in POK. There have been reports of human rights abuses, including arbitrary detentions, enforced disappearances, and restrictions on freedom of expression. Various human rights organizations have called for an independent investigation into these allegations.

Recent Developments in POK

In recent years, there have been developments in POK, including infrastructure projects and investments by China as part of its Belt and Road Initiative. These developments have raised concerns among India and other countries regarding the implications for the region’s sovereignty and security.


The full form of POK is Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir. This disputed region holds immense significance for both India and Pakistan, and its status remains a subject of contention. The Kashmir conflict continues to be a major issue in the region, with divergent perspectives from India and Pakistan. The United Nations has been involved in efforts to resolve the conflict, but a lasting solution is yet to be achieved. As the situation evolves, it is crucial to address human rights concerns and work toward a peaceful resolution that respects the aspirations of the Kashmiri people.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does POK stand for?

POK stands for Pakistan Occupied Kashmir.

Who controls POK?

POK is currently under the control of Pakistan.

Why is POK significant?

POK holds geopolitical and strategic importance for India and Pakistan due to its disputed status and its role in the Kashmir conflict.

What is the stance of India on POK?

India considers POK an integral part of its territory and views it as being under illegal occupation by Pakistan.

What is the role of the United Nations in the POK issue?

The United Nations has been involved in the Kashmir issue and has called for a plebiscite to determine the future of the region. However, the implementation of these resolutions has been a subject of contention between India and Pakistan.

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